Like Trump for his Billions, supporter says   Talk Bernie Sanders to Her

 Over lunch, I engaged David Komar of Phoenixville, Pa on why he's a loyal supporter of Republican candidate Donald Trump for President of the United States. "[He's] a successful man, knows a lot of people around the world. I think he's been a good sparring partner with the candidates he's had so far to date and I think that says it all." Komar went on to deflect criticism of the candidate and added that we shouldn't hate Trump because he's got billions of dollars. "Like him because maybe that would spread." Watch video here.

Bernie Sanders has his ardent supporters, too. An 88 year old supporters Bernie Sanders based on his free college plan and opposition to the Iraq war. Watch video here. And a young African American woman sings "Speak Dirty  Bernie to Me."  Watch video here.

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