Paintings inspired by neurons

Kirsten Fischler captures neuronal imagery in her paintings. She has been inspired by her partner, a neuropathologist. Neurons are nerve cells that communicate information electrically/chemically with other cells. In her…

Grandpa tattoed on her arm

>> MIKAELA JENSON ROSEMAN (MJR): You want me to tell you the story of my tattoos?  Okay. So my left arm is pretty much a dedication to my grandfather. I…

Dances midst sculpture: Philly Fringe

      Watch video here. Ellie Goudie-Averill of Stone Depot Dance Lab performs structured and improvisational dances amidst art installations in the warehouse space of Pieri Creations in the …

Swifts descend school chimney

Chimney swifts by the hundreds, perhaps thousands, gather swirl in a circle around the tall chimney at the J.S. Jenks Middle School in Chestnut Hill.  The circle becomes denser and…