Posted inENVIRONMENT NATURE Public Safety
1902 motorized buggy greets visitors to Quakertown visitors center
A 1902 motorized buggy and other historical artifacts greets visitors to the Upper Bucks Chamber and Visitors Center in Quakertown.
Deer advocate demands to know cost of deer cull
Deer advocate wants to know the cost of Philadelphia's annual deer cull, deer kill.
Gallery showcases artwork rejected by museum for their annual juried show
Video interview of gallery owners in Germantown, who hosted a showing of art works,some shown here, that had been rejected by a prestigious nearby Chestnut Hill museum for their annual show
Burning weeds with propane torch
Neighbor burns weeds with a propane torch thinking it is preferable to using an herbicide.
Posted inHEALTH MILITARY NonProfits
Veterans with team red white and blue hike with weighted rucksacks
Military veterans and civilian supporters, members of TeamRWB hike with weighted rucksacks, one of their physical and social activities to promote the well-being and health of vets.
Posted inCurrent Affairs POLITICS
Neighbors react to presidential candidates debates
When your correspondent gauged reaction to the democratic party Presidential debates, most said they hadn't watched it, some waiting to the field to thin, and among the three who had watched, one was an ardent Joe Biden supporter and the two others were impressed by Kamala Harris
Posted inFood and Drink HEALTH
Nutritionist offers free consults at food coop
Registered dietician offers free consultation at food coop on healthy eating, meal planning, complete proteins and sodium intake
Posted inAfrican-American Education ENTERTAINMENT
Germantown celebrates Juneteenth freedom from slavery
At Philadelphia's Juneteenth celebration in Germantown, Iraina Salaam performs a libation ceremony in honor of African ancestors as members and Boy Scout Troop 1719 and the Tyehimba drum group also take part in the street festival celebration
Eye surgeon walks through cataract surgery
An eye surgeon walks through the modern procedure of removing a cataract and implanting a new lens.