“Spite” fence goes up

A tall chain-link fence recently appeared dividing the narrow walkway between two buildings on Germantown Avenue in the posh Chestnut Hill shopping district in northwest Philadelphia. And now, next to…

Shaking heavy ropes

At the Mount Airy Village Fair, Urban Athlete trainers challenged passersby to try to shake two heavy ropes in undulating rhythms and sustain it for a minute. Not easy! Watch…

Grandson learns Yiddish

Your correspondent  was staying with an old Quaker friend in Maine and her 11 year old grandson came over one evening for an overnight visit.   The grandson had decided…

Hog Island Highlights and Humor

Your correspondent volunteered in the kitchen for two weeks this summer at the Audubon Society's nature camps on Hog Island, some skipping stones length off of Bremen, Maine in Muscongus…