certain events take place like this festival of Hidden City or different things
like that. I don’t know if you’re
part of Occupy but it tends to bring people out of the woodwork and put them in
a certain space where they can share their talents and creativity. And my experience with these types of
things is that it lends itself to a tremendous new and refreshing hope for
mankind, for the state of affairs in the world. Because the tendency is to
think we are all alone in our own head and even if we do come up with some
positive ideas on what to do we feel pretty helpless because what can I do by
different things happen and people come together, we stand to get a tremendous
new inspiration. And actually, ‘I can do something, I do count and there’s
other people that think the same as I do.’ If we put our talents and our
efforts together we can really make some difference.
I’m a yoga instructor. I teach yoga
meditation and music is a big part of what I do. Because music and something
that’s called Kirtan, sankirtan which means the congregation and glorification
of the supreme joy of life. So basically, just like your drumming circle, same
type of principal. People come together and they selflessly express themselves
in such a way that the overall effect is that everyone feels a tremendous
upliftment the environment becomes uplifted the community, neighborhood, like
that. Just imagine if we could
have this on a worldwide scale, every day then the whole planet the whole, the
karmic pattern of the whole planet earth will be changed, will be uplifted.
is possible. We don’t have to simply go down into the muck of gross