students majoring in exercise science are not just a bunch of meatheads who
love to work out and run around lifting up things, says Tristan VanderMeer,
majoring in the field at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. VanderMeer
was drawn to the field as a way of learning more about his body and how to live
a healthy life. Graduates in the field can work in a variety of careers such as
in nutrition, physical therapy or as a personal trainer but for VanderMeer, it
will be a component of a nursing career.
explains the metabolic and hormonal basis of why he advocates a high
non-saturated fat, low carb and low processed food diet. He also stressed the
importance of regular exercise, getting out and moving about whether it’s
biking or walking, and getting some strength training in.
some “action” scenes, VanderMeer indulged your correspondent by demonstrating
some beneficial exercises- hanging from rungs while twisting his trunk like a
windshield wiper, sprinting barefoot and doing push-ups.
Watch video here. (At the J.S. Jenks children's park, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia)