In a whirlwind day at the York County Fair in York, PA, I did several video interviews and videoed some events, as we wound our way about the fairgrounds. In roughly chronological order we encountered:
- For more than 50 years these model circus builders, certified circus enthusiasts, have been practicing their craft of creating miniature, animated models of actual circuses like the 1954 Ringling Brothers Circus
- A pigeon breeder has long enjoyed what he calls a relaxing hobby and is hoping that the “roller” he is entering into competition will have the requisite silky feathers, firm feel, pretty eyes and overall good looks to take home a prize
- The “Procrastinators” are a troupe of three drummers,out of San Diego who wander the fairgrounds and stage impromptu performances using common objects like water cooler bottles and kitchen pans. They enliven their act acrobatic flairs and frequent dashes of humor. They work for, a larger outfit which dispatches drummers across the country for a variety of gigs.
- A friend of the owner watches over a pregnant sow, scheduled to give birth the next day at the live animal birthing center
- A sheep gets meticulously sheared and primped by its owners friends, getting ready to be judged.
- In a tent is the Amercian Steam Engine Society’s antique farm machines show. One large vehicle is a “manure spreader” by Chuck Cusimano of Glen Rock, PA. for politicians. At the front over a mounted toilet is a sign which reads “For BiPartican input only- For Politicians Use Only”. Other signs aboard the tractor lampoon politicians like the one with a cartoon of the Democrats’ donkey and the Republicans’ elephant and the words, “Sure you can trust us, Just ask an American Indian.” The Society’s 55th annual “Steamorama” runs October 4th through 7th, 2012 in York.
- Stan from the Christian Farmers Outreach insists that Christ loves me and cajoles me to accept, as a gift, a wooden back scratcher made in China
- In the men’s room, two men who describe their work as “self contracting” are stationed at either end and pop up from their chairs to proffer a dry paper towel as soon as someone has finished washing their hands. In between times one will sing and other spray wipe the urinals.
- A muscular tout carries a hand made poster saying “WHATYA BENCH?” and offering $100 prizes as he snakes his way through the fair, trying to lure people to the staging area where a hunk with a microphone cajoles bystanders to benchpress a 225lb barbell or lift a 500 pound barbell with car tires at either end.