The unit block of East Evergreen was bustling one afternoon earlier this week. Andy Peszka of the Top of the Hill Market managed workers unloading a tractor trailer load of Christmas trees on the north side of Evergreen Avenue as customers shopped for trees at thestore on the south side. Catriona Briger, holding daughter Hazel, let son Oliver pick out the most appealing and not too tall tree for their modestly sized Benezet Street home. The Market's Rosie Cortez assisted them with their purchase.
Peszka was taking stock on five varieties of fir just cut and delivered from Lehighton, Pennsylvania, an hour and a half a way. He estimated it would take 2 or more hours to unload the truck and his workers appeared to be steadily unloading about 8 of them each minute. Peszka also has some but not many customers for living, balled trees which he expects to take delivery on. Those who buy live trees customarily bring them inside for the holiday and have room to plant them outside in the spring when the ground thaws. He expects to sell out all of his trees by the week before Christmas.