Members’ Night at Academy of Natural Sciences

Members Night Academy Natural Sciences Philadelphia 2010


Eli: I found a shell and the picture I colored and another picture of a bird

Michael: a red knot

Eli: eating something

Michael: horseshoe crab eggs.

Eli: The shell looks like this. It’s a crown conch.

Michael: Do you know the guy giving out the pictures is also a resident of Chestnut Hill? Doug Wechsler.

Eli Zickler of Chestnut Hill with grandfather, Michael left, father Joel and sister Lucy, right, at the Academy of Natural Sciences members’ night. Watch video interview here.



Academy Vice President Barbara Ciega and chief fabricator Mike Beers talk about what goes on in the fabrication studio of the institution. Beers also talks about an upcoming show of artist Ray Troll who has an obsession with cheeseburgers and hides a cheeseburger in his drawings. From the Academy website: Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway with Artist Ray Troll and Paleontologist Kirk Johnson features the fossil-inspired artwork of celebrated artist Ray Troll and explores questions about evolution, extinction, and early life on Earth. Troll's whimsical illustrations of imagined scenes from prehistoric times are placed side-by-side with real fossils."

Watch video here.


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