Tree house stump down

SO THE TREE HOUSE TREE IS DOWN? “Yeah, it’s been a stump for thirty years. It wasn’t going to last forever. AND BEFORE IT WAS A STUMP? “It was the tree of the tree house. I never got to see that. But it grew through a porch that was there and would have been an amazing sight.” HOW MANY YEARS OLD WAS IT? “It was from the 1700s.” WHAT KIND OF TREE? “A sycamore, very beautiful in the photographs.” WHAT ARE THE PLANS FOR THE BACK NOW? “We’re going to have a porch built along the entire back length. Friends of the Wissahickon are going to help us build that. They’ve already had the architectural plans drawn. It’ll be twelve foot wide so we can have more teaching space outdoors. It’s going to have a green roof. It’s going to have a circle on the floor of a different wood that shows where the tree had been. And there’s going to be an opening in the ceiling like a Plexiglas, lexan opening that would show where the tree would have gone through the ceiling.” Trish Fries, Environmental Education Planner, Wissahickon Environmental Center. Watch video interview here.




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