I HAVEN'T SEEN PEOPLE OUT HERE ON CROSS COUNTRY SKIS. DO YOU GET OUT HERE MUCH ON THEM? Andrew Jacobs (left): "This is my first time." Steven Jacobs: " This is actually our first time. I just got a pair for Christmas so I decided to come out with my bro-

I HAVEN'T SEEN PEOPLE OUT HERE ON CROSS COUNTRY SKIS. DO YOU GET OUT HERE MUCH ON THEM? Andrew Jacobs (left): "This is my first time." Steven Jacobs: " This is actually our first time. I just got a pair for Christmas so I decided to come out with my brother. He just got back from the Peace Corps." AJ: "It's my first time on snow in a long time. My Dad has been out three or four times so far. It's great. I can't remember the last time I was in the Wissahickon there was snow on the ground at Christmas.” SJ: "It's a pretty hysterical thing being able to ski in the middle of Philadelphia." WHERE WERE YOU IN THE PEACE CORPS? AJ: "I was in Togo, in West Africa. So there was not much snow there, needless to say. HOW ARE THINGS IIN TOGO? AJ: "It's a very interesting, culturally rich country but they have a lot of problems. They have a long ways to go in terms of development. But it's peaceful, non-violent, which I think is a big plus in Africa. But in due time I think they'll start to make some advances. But it's great to be back in the U.S.-" SJ: "It's good to have him back" AJ: "..be with the family for Christmas." Forbidden Drive, Christmas Day. Click here to watch video interview. 

I HAVEN'T SEEN PEOPLE OUT HERE ON CROSS COUNTRY SKIS. DO YOU GET OUT HERE MUCH ON THEM? Andrew Jacobs (left): "This is my first time." Steven Jacobs: " This is actually our first time. I just got a pair for Christmas so I decided to come out with my brot

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