“I am a cardiologist and a consumer of health care as well and it is clear to me that the present health care system is deeply flawed and reform is urgently needed and, I believe, inevitable. Looking back to my years in medical school, I remember how we would discuss the impending Clinton reform proposal. We had such clarity and certainty that universal health care was a right, a necessity and that obviously the way to achieve universal health coverage would be through a public option. In my entire medical school class, we wall started out believing this. Now as time went on, as actual practicing physicians, our stance on some details may have shifted a bit and for some, quite a bit. But believe it or not, most physicians I know are still in favor of universal coverage and many are in favor of the public option.” Niku Thomas, Einstein Medical Center Cardiologist, right, introducing Wendell Potter, former head of corporate communications for CIGNA, now a vocal critic of the health insurance industry. Germantown Mennonite Church. Click here to see video.
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