Ron Loux, Amanda Yoder, Bev Loux

WHEN DID YOU START CARRY THE GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCTS? “We originally started six months ago. We were starting to get inquiries from our customers and that’s what really led us into it… Amanda and I were down at the Appetite for Awareness at the Wachovia Center two weeks ago and that was the national celiac convention basically and we made some really great contacts….DO YOU DO ANY OF YOUR OWN BAKING? Nothing at all with the gluten-free. It’s such detailed and specific requirements and that’s one of the reasons it’s difficult to find real quality gluten free. A lot of the big bakeries aren’t involved in it at this point because everything has to be separate, all their equipment that’s being used. Like for me, I can’t buy a loaf of gluten free bread and bring it to my slicer and slice it. That automatically cross-contaminates it so that’s one of the reasons we have stayed out of trying to create it and just put lots of research into traveling all around to find the products that people are already doing a great job with. .. We’re going to begin to set up a time to advertise to our customers that we’re going to be doing some taste testing. …Now we have some of our breads out taste-testing but I’d like to do it on a bigger scale.” Ron Loux with granddaughter Amanda Yoder and wife Bev, Poppy’s Seed Bakery, Chestnut Hill Farmer’s Market. Click here to see video interview.

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