Q: DO YOU BELIEVE IN GLOBAL WARMING? A. “I don’t know what that is!” WHAT ABOUT YOU M’AM? “Yes I do. We’re going to have to do something about it before we don’t have a planet left.” Malachi Swindell with his mother, Madison (not shown), Chestnut Hill Newsstand.
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I am appalled by this interview with a child who would obviously know nothing about global warmin “ma’am”.
I am an afriamerican woman who is deeply offended by this outrigh display of sterotyping people of color.
If you choose to interview an African American person, why choose a black male child and make him look like he doesn’t know because he is stupid?
I don’t know why you think Malachi looks stupid, Ms. Hayes-Fullard. There are a lot of things my three children, who are of color, by the way don’t know and I don’t think they are stupid. Even I have a hard time articulating what global warming is and I’m no dunce. I ask you to re-evaluate your initial impression.