Women Find New Directions

angela parrino and heather hudman
Q: I’D LIKE TO KNOW A LITTLE MORE ABOUT NEW DIRECTIONS  A: New Directions is located in the 4800 block of Germantown Avenue. It’s an alternative to prison for women coming out of prison.  It’s like a transitional home. It holds about 25 women in the facility and right now we have 18.  And we have a beautiful director, who’s Carolyn Stewart who helps us out. And there’s women there for all different kinds of reasons- for drug abuse, domestic violence and we get help in each area, whatever we come in there for. I’ve been there now for about seven months and it helped me. It completely changed my life. And it’s a great opportunity for anyone coming out of prison and wanting to change their life, to go back to school or to get a job, whatever, and I love it." Heather Hudman, right, with Angela Parrino. New Directions for Women community conversation at Awbury Arboretum.


  1. Geannine Checchio

    The girl on my right (dark hair) Heather she was my best friend for years we grew up together among other things!! I have not seen her in 7 yrs, we took different paths in life but now we are both doing well. I have been looking for her. any info would be great please email me, God Bless.

  2. Geannine Checchio

    The girl on my right (dark hair) Heather she was my best friend for years we grew up together among other things!! I have not seen her in 7 yrs, we took different paths in life but now we are both doing well. I have been looking for her. any info would be great please email me, God Bless.

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