March 2008
Kate Blandy Forges Wissahickon Barefoot
March 17, 2008
The Cherry Hill West High School swim team came out for a walk along the Wissahickon Creek on a cool day and then a team member, Kate Blandy, decided to shed her sneakers and socks and cross the Wissahickon Creek barefoot. (This photo was taken by her coach, Scott Sweeten) I shot the video of her crossing from the other [Forbidden Drive]side.
Tree takes tree down on Bells Mill Road during windstorm
March 12, 2008
Kip Bronson tells of new animal exhibits at Elmwood Park Zoo
March 05, 2008
WHAT’S GOING IN HERE? We’re in the process of building a couple different exhibits. Back here will be the roaming area for the peccary and on the other side is actually a duck pond which will be filled when it ‘s warm again for the ducks to come back. Up here’s a little terrace area, you come in and watch them. It should be done early, late spring. WHAT ARE THE OTHER EXHIBITS GOING UP? At the other end of the zoo we have a mink exhibit, over here we’re building a mini-monkey exhibit, we’re rebuilding a bobcat exhibit. We just finished building the elk exhibit and at the other end of the zoo we have a redtail hawk exhibit being built”. Kit Branson, Elmwood Park Zoo maintenance worker, Norristown.